

We specialise in traditional crafts and how they can be used sustainably.
Blacksmith, woodwork, upholstery, knit and crochet are just some of our areas of expertise.
Craft and Sustainability
As an environmentally conscious company, we aim to revive traditional craft skills that encourage sustainability. We always try to implement the three Rs: Recycle Re-use Repurpose.
We find that most traditional skills lend themselves to a "make-do and mend" attitude. For example blacksmithing and woodworking skills can be used to mend or restore furniture. Sewing can be used to fix or reinforce clothes and re-upholster. Giving things a new lease of life reduces the amount sent to landfill as well as the added benefit of preserving sentiment we attach to objects.
These traditional skills, tend to be slower but also tend to produce much sturdier and longer lasting products that we are endeared to take better care of, which is much more environmentally friendly. It also means if you would like something custom-made or have a restoration project, you can get in touch and we can help make your vision come true!
You can find our hand-crafted products made by our lovely Yorkshire makers on our online shop and in store on the Malton Shambles.
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